Av Aids Lab

Audio – Visual aids communicate the ideas regarding learning activities to the students in an easy manner. A.V.Aids lab is opened for the students with latest equipment of LCD Projector, computer, laptop, TV, OHP, charts, models, posters and different types of boards which can provide high-tech educational media to support the teaching-learning activities of the students. The equipments are arranged very clearly and neatly. The audio visual aids lab is equipped with models, posters and charts prepared by the students. There are lots of exhibitions , programs are ongoing in the institution. The prepared materials are become the parts of this lab and also can use again as per need.


  • Help the instructor with the essential factors in the teaching situation
  • Establish various teaching methods
  • Helps in effective teaching (with self-evaluation instruments)
  • Helps the instructor to plan and present the lesson
  • Additional preparation and utilization of audio visual aids
  • Enlist of sources for instructional materials
  • Establish testing of procedures.
  • A visible and tangible product, as a result of the learning, stimulates interest and, hence, accelerates learning.

Care and Maintenance of Equipment and Supplies

  • All used items that can be reused should be returned to the lab. Some items can be reused when exhibitions and programs occur.
  • Students are not permitted to be left in the lab unsupervised and the scheduled Faculty/Instructor must be available throughout the teaching session if it happen
  • Students are not permitted to use the av aids without faculty supervision.
  • Students will be held responsible for damage to the equipment as a result of not following AV aids Lab policies and procedures.
  • Report any damage to equipment or operating problems to the lab staff.
  • Clean up and restore the area you are practicing in for use by the next student.
  • No equipment or supplies should leave the lab unless it is properly checked out.
  • All glass items and electronic items may not be left in the lab areas as affects safety concerns of the students. Please be careful to clean up the sharps practice area appropriately.
  • Students must conduct themselves in a professional and academic manner.

Maintenance of registers and article issuing

  • All labs should maintain registers for stock and inventory, article issuing and lab utilisation.
  • Inventory should be checked and maintained in every 3 months.
  • Students should write request letters for issuing articles which should be verified by lab in charge and permitted by Principal.
  • Verification for proper functioning and any damages should be performed by lab incharge during return of articles.

Maintenance of registers and article issuing

  • All labs should maintain registers for stock and inventory, article issuing and lab utilisation.
  • Inventory should be checked and maintained in every 3months.
  • Students should write request letters for issuing articles which should be verified by lab in charge and permitted by Principal.
  • Verification for proper functioning and any damages should be performed by lab incharge during return of articles.

Purchase and condemnation of equipment and supplies

  • Request for new articles will be given as letters by lab in charge to the Principal who will verify the need and forward it to higher authority.
  • Details of new articles purchased will be entered in to the purchase register as well as in lab inventory.
  • Damaged articles are condemned after proper intimation and are replaced with new articles once purchased


1 Mrs. Shilpa S MSc in Medical Surgical Nursing Assistant Professor