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Principal’s Message
I feel very much privileged to be a part of Al Shifa family and I look forward to share a feeling of accomplishment to address you as the Principal of the prestigious institution.
“Life is all about chances and opportunities. Never leave anything to chance and never let an opportunity get away.”
Good grades are stepping stones towards getting in to a good college, getting a good job and ultimately living a good life. As stated above, our college has been striving towards maintaining high academic standards and excellence in the field of nursing education. Our college is distinct in terms of going an extra mile in identifying and appreciating the emerging talent by awarding them.
Nursing is a fantastic carrier. It allows you to work directly with people that will help them to achieve longer lives in good health. Nursing is an honourable profession and nurses are the heart and soul of the health care system. I would like to make keen note that, nurses are always challenged on how they can contribute to society as professionals. They are with patients throughout the continuum of life.“No other health professional has such a broad and reaching role”.
In order to accomplish this broad context, our nursing students have given adequate opportunity to increase their nursing competency and utilize it in their daily practice. We are making a competent person to provide safe, effective and professional nursing care to his/her patients through “KIMS ALSHIFA HOSPITAL” which is equipped with various speciality.
Nurses always have been at the forefront of change in health care and public health. Accordingly, we prepare our nursing students to learn to trust their own first hand observation to generate research leads on significant topics. In further, we are focused nursing training methods, evaluate effectiveness and conduct further research which contributes to increase nursing quality.
In this era, characterized by rapid changes, rising consumerism, knowledge explosion and technological advancement, focusing of all, the college offers the students with a multitude of opportunities to keep themselves abreast with the latest developments in the field of nursing, which in turn contributes towards professional excellence and also we have made a safe and secure learning environment.
We believe in providing quality education based on the concept of comprehensive care. The development of a quality educational system, largely lies on the committed members of the faculty, quality infrastructure and supportive administration with large pool of learning resources.
I wish let us all work together to create a campus that will provide each student with the positive support towards the marvelous success by creating rich experiences, challenging projects, high academic achievements and inspired learners prepared to thrive in the twenty first century.
I am happy to present the fact that the demand for nurses has always been constantly strong and the predicted growth is significant, without any doubt our nursing students, who have emerged from our College with flying colours are now occupying high positions in several organizations both in India and abroad. High standards of expectations for each student in regard to the academic performance, co-curricular participation and responsible citizenship are the top most goal and foundation of our College. We also inculcate social values and principles of professional excellence and care for others. Please come and visit us and to learn towards excellence in education.
E-mail : alshifansg@gmail.com