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Library & Learning Resources

The Al Shifa College of Nursing is credited with a very good library on its campus, with a view to preserve and disseminates knowledge to the academic communities. The library is providing comfortable, user friendly environment for learning and dissemination of knowledge and information The library has a large collection of Books, National and International Journals, Magazines, Periodicals, Dissertations, CD’s, Bound Volumes etc. The Al Shifa College of Nursing as an Inistitutional Member of DELNET online database. College library is expected to support the objectives of the college

Objectives of the Library:-

  • To assist and provide access to the human records required by the educational community for the successful pursuit of academic programme prescribed by the university to which it is affiliated.
  • To provide facilities for all teaching, learning, educational and research programmes of the college.
  • To create to the information needs of teachers, students, researches associated with the college
  • To provide material that will stimulate student’s acquisition of factual knowledge, development of literary appreciation, aesthetic values and ethical standards.
  • To provide materials containing a wide range of views on issues so that students may develop the practice of critical reading and thinking
  • To provide curriculum books and to promote educational, research, cultural, recreational and informational requirements of students and teachers.
  • Improve both the physical and digital library to benefit users and make a strong, positive impressions.
  • Provide efficient access to the broad range of top quality information resources.
  • To conduct regular assessments to ensure that users have a positive experience of library.
  • Ensure inclusiveness by improving library services to remote and online learners.
  • It assists the research works and lays down the initiative base for research work in students
  • By providing latest knowledge to teachers in their field for effective teaching, it makes transmission of knowledge possible.
  • It enhances the understanding of different subjects or disciplines among the students.
  • It prepares the students as an intelligent aware, informative and enlightened to play the role of a responsible citizen.
  • It provides healthy entertainment material to its users.
  • To promote reading habits among students.
  • To promote effective use library, user education / orientation programmes to students

Faculty Details

1 Mrs. Nazeema. M BA B Ed, BLIS, MLIS Librarian
2 Mrs. Deepthi. M.K B Com, BLIS,MLIS Assistant Librarian