Home - BYLAW
The Bye -law of society of Alshifa College of Nursing Alumni Association
(The activities of this Society will be entirely under the Societies Registration Act of 1860)
- Name : Alshifa College of Nursing Alumni Association
- Address : Lemon valley,Angadippuram,Malappuram, 679321, Kerala
- Office : Building No. 968 of Ward 13 of Angadippuram Village in Angadippuram Panchayath
- Jurisdiction: whole over India
- Objectives:
- Welfare activities for the students of Alshifa College of Nursing
- Welfare activities for the alumni of Alshifa College of Nursing
- Welfare activities for the Alshifa College of Nursing
- Joint functioning of Alumni, Teachers and Associations of Alshifa College of Nursing
- Membership: Ex-students who have studied and passed the available courses in Alshifa College of Nursing and paid the membership fee.
- Working Committee : Once in two years, Members not exceeding 25 including Principal of Alshifa College of Nursing and selected persons from General Body
- General Body: All Ex-students who have studied and passed the available courses in Alshifa College of Nursing and paid the decided Membership Fee will be the part of General Body
- Quorum: Working committee -5 members General Body – 25% of total members
- Office bearers and duties:
- General Body :
- To authorize the executive committee to achieve the directives
- To discuss policy matters and authorize the executive committee to achieve it.
- To review the activities of the Society.
- Select eligible leaders for the smooth functioning of the Society.
- To arrange environment for the smooth functioning of the society and suggest necessary changes as per needs.
- To discuss things including constitutional amendments.
- Discuss and pass the annual report and other things including amendments
- Working Committee:
- Execute the decisions which are approved by the General Body and decisions suo moto taken by Executive Committee
- Ensure the smooth and transparent functioning of the Society.
- Review the functioning of society.
- Discuss the things necessary for achieving the directives.
- Discuss policy matters and execute it.
- Executives :
- President :
- Preside all meetings
- Take action to achieve all the projects approves by General Body.
- Secretary:
- To do all the daily activities
- To call for the General Body meeting of the society and working committee
- To take decisions to do the approved projects
- To prepare the minutes of every meeting
- To prepare the annual report and others
- Treasurer
- To keep all financial record, to deal with banks and others
- To submit the financial details for the projects approved by the General body and working committee.
- To present all the financial details in the general body.
- Conditions for election of Executives:
- President: The term of president is for two years. The person elected as President should be a resident of Malappuram District or nearby districts.
- Secretary: The term of Secretary is two years. Should be a resident of Malappuram District or nearby districts
- Treasurer: The term of Treasurer is two years. Should be a resident ofMalappuram District or nearby districts
- Working Committee Members: The members elected to the working committee should be the residents of South India and among them three shouldbe residing outside Malappuram District.
- Alumni Bank Account : Bank Account
- Source of income and Appropriation:
- Through Membership fee of all students and donation of supporters and members
- Every transaction above Rs. 1000 shall be through Cheque
- For small transactions upto Rs. 2500 shall be entrusted to the Office of the Alshifa College of Nursing
- Money shall be used only for the projects approved by General Body and Working Committee.
- Amendment of the Constitution: The amendment shall be valid if it is passed by general body which was constituted with prior notice and a majority of 3/5 (three out of five) should approve it.
- Annual General Meeting: In every year on a date decided by Working committee at Alshifa College of Nursing.
- Non Confidence motion : Non confidence shall be passed if 25 percent of total members or 50 percent of working committee members demanded in writing and if win by 60 percent of working committee or 50% of total members.
- Records to be kept: The records of the day today functions of the society and minutes of each meeting shall be kept by the Secretary. Treasurer shall keep all records of financial dealings.
- Termination: If due to any reason if the functioning of this society ceases or terminates the balance of assets excluding the encumbrances shall be given to other societies functioning with same objectives or shall be vested with Government. Assets shall not be kept by the members or shall not be distributed among the members.
Bank Account should be opened in any Scheduled Bank in the Perintalmanna Town. This account should be a joint account in the name of President and Treasurer.
We certify that the above is the true copy of Bye law of Society of Alshifa College of Nursing Alumni Association and the said is approved in the date by the general body.
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